Stippling 101 – Monday & Tuesday


Hi Class! I hope you’re behaving nicely for your substitute teacher while I’m gone.

We just completed your large tangle projects. Some of you have a bit more to finish, but we’ll get you caught up later this week.

Now we are starting to learn how to STIPPLE. Stippling is a drawing technique used as a form of shading. Shading is used to make your drawings look 3-dimensional, and stippling  will also do that. Stippling uses lots of small dots either close together or far apart to create VALUES. Placing lots of dots close together (filling up white space) creates dark values while placing dots father apart (leaving more white space open) creates lighter values.

Today you will work on the following worksheets and you can watch the video below to get a better idea of how stippling works.

  • The #1 thing to remember is PATIENCE. It is so important to take your time and slowly build up values when stippling (just like when you do regular shading with pencil).
  • I WILL BE GRADING YOUR WORKSHEETS, so do your best work. The more effort you put into these PRACTICE worksheets, the better your stippling skills will be when you work on your actual project.


You’ll be copying this bear that is shaded using the stippling technique. Draw the bear with pencil first, then use stippling to add the values. If you finish before class is over, you try the fox and the pear.

FOX VIDEO (Short loop. Not a tutorial.)

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GEO FOX – in progress. #art #illustration #fox

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Here are the videos and pictures we looked at on Friday. 

Ed Sheeran

‘Garden of Light’ Installation


Surreal Paintings by  Jacek Yerka



Surreal Photographs by Aydın Büyüktaş

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